Paying My Bills

All you faggots know you need to be paying my fucking bills! Alphas get bills...faggots pay them! It's how shit works! Here are the bills you fuckers need to be paying:

Rent: $800
My rent include electricity, so it's a good deal for some faggot to take ownership of this shit! You can be the fag that knows it's paying for its KING's place! 

Car Payment: $200  
Insurance: $200
Gas: $100
My car payment is fucking $200...easy payment for some faggot to take over! You'd be the faggot who knows its cash is being used to pay for your ALPHA's ride! Add another $200 for insurance and $100 for gas, and I'm fucking set!

Phone Bill: $120
My phone bills needs to be some faggot's responsibility! I shouldn't even see the fucking needs to just be paid!

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