Testimonials from Slaves

Occasionally my slaves message me with long winded emails where they talk about their devotion to me. I'll start posting that shit here. Enjoy the reading!

Received December 24, 2016 from Texas Slave:

Sir, you have been so damn amazing!! Thank you for everything this year! First, thank you for letting me pay your phone bills. I never knew how exciting it would be to pay your bill...knowing that you don't have to worry about it at all. I have started looking forward to when it's due. I even pay your phone bill before I pay any of my other bills. It's such a rush! Also, thank you for demanding cash for your meals. Knowing that you're out having a good time and that I have to pay the bill...well it makes me feel so useful! Finally, thank you for allowing me to send you random cash payments that you don't even ask for. Sometimes when I'm sitting at work, I think of you and just want to send a payment. I really really appreciate that you allow me to do that. Have a great final few days of 2016, and I can't wait to continue to be your ATM during the New Year!

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